Kalegran Ltd. Pearl Petroleum Co. Ltd.

57.7 MMboe
8.4 mboepd
MOL Group entered the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in 2007, where MOL Kalegran (MOL’s 100% subsidiary) is partnered with 20% in Shaikan Production Sharing Agreement. MOL also acquired 10% in Pearl Petroleum Company (Khor Mor and Chemchemal fields) in 2009 from Crescent Petroleum and Dana Gas.
The Shaikan oil field is located 60 kilometres North of the regional capital Erbil. The field was discovered by Gulf Keystone Petroleum (GKP) and MOL’s subsidiary (Kalegran), and it is one of the largest fields in Kurdistan, with majority of the oil currently being produced from the Upper Jurassic fractured carbonates. In March 2023, the closure of Iraq-Turkey pipeline led to the shut-in of the Shaikan field. Production for domestic sales was restarted in July, while imposed export restrictions are still in force.
Current production at the Khor Mor field is ca 500 million cubic feet per day of natural gas as well as ∼ 15,000 barrels per day of condensate and ∼ 1,000 tonnes of liquified petroleum gas (LPG), which translates into over 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day of hydrocarbon production. The expansion project of Khor Mor gas plant, KM250, EPC activities are ongoing and all gas wells have been completed and tested.
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