
Operating company:
MOL Nyrt.
Headquarters: Budapest
Number of employees: ~850
2P Reserves (2022 YE):
55.7 MMboe
Production (2022):
32.1 mboepd

The Pannonian Basin is the home turf for MOL Group Exploration & Production, having accumulated over 85 years of experience in conventional exploration and field development. Hungary is still the backbone and one of MOL Group’s core countries in terms of production and reserves on portfolio level, and a significant contributor to MOL’s cash flow generation. The extensive geological knowledge of the country and a well-developed existing surface infrastructure supports a sustainable and efficient operation.

MOL Hungary accounts for almost 30% of MOL Group’s hydrocarbon production, with more than 900 producing wells. Production is concentrated to South and East Hungary, with ~80% of total production. Field development efforts are ongoing in West Hungary (e.g., Sávoly and ‘Somogy’ project), as well as East Hungary (e.g., Földes and Mezősas).

Exploration Program

MOL Hungary’s net exploration acreage covers around 7,000 km2, focused around three areas: Dráva and Zala Basins in the Western part of the country, central Hungary with the Paleogene basin representing an oil province, and various areas in Eastern Hungary, mainly focusing on gas exploration. In 2022 the Shallow Gas exploration program continued with the drilling of three wells. Komádi-Kelet-10 well was successfully tested, completed and tied in as a gas producer, while Mezőcsokonya-23 was drilled and abandoned as the well was proven to be dry. As the third well, Komádi-Kelet-4/A, was drilled and tested successfully. Preparations are under way for upcoming wells. The conventional Vecsés-2 well has also been drilled and since oil discovery was confirmed by the well test, MOL Hungary initiated an extended well test. In 2022 seismic campaign was also carried out, with 3D and 2D acquisitions at five locations (Pusztaszőlős, Görgeteg-Babócsa, Barlahida, Nagykörű, Nyírség). Approval was received for a license area extension at Okány-Nyugat.


Field development and Production Optimization

During 2022 field development activities continued as two wells were drilled. Both Mezősas-Nyugat-30, originally spudded in 2021, and Üllés-Kelet-2 wells have been completed and tied in, production already started. The third well, Sas-Ny-31 was drilled and tested successfully, while preparations have started for the following wells. In case of Sávoly-Nyugat-7, a development well spudded and drilled in 2021, after the completed well test in the first quarter of 2022 and successful tie-in, the well started producing. Preparations regarding Somogy Phase-3 project progressed, execution of surface scope commenced after relevant permits had been obtained. The production optimization program continued, resulting in a total of 45 well workover operations completed and put into production, consequently adding to production approx. 1.5 mboepd increment on an annualized basis.


Value-adding investments and focused operations to contribute to the Hungarian government's natural gas production target of 2 billion m3.

Maintain last years’ successful exploration, field development and production optimization programs; increase efficiency through various projects.

Actions to decrease E&P MOL’s emission.

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