

EMTN Programme

Outstanding senior and hybrid bonds

Issuer Currency Volume (m) Tenor Issue date Maturity date Coupon Listing ISIN number Base Prospectus
MOL Plc HUF 28,400 10 24.09.2019 24.09.2029 2.00% BSE XBOND HU0000359120 Prospectus
MOL Plc HUF 36,600 10 22.09.2020 22.09.2030 1.10% BSE XBOND HU0000359963 Prospectus
MOL Plc EUR 650 7 08.10.2020 08.10.2027 1.5% Irish SE XS2232045463 Prospectus
MOL Plc HUF 35,500 10 12.04.2021 12.04.2031 1.9% BSE XBOND HU0000360383 Prospectus


Summary of bonds at MOL

  • EUR bonds

In 2020 MOL has issued EUR 650 million fixed rate Eurobond notes. The notes are due on 8th October 2027, pay an annual coupon of 1.500%. The notes are listed on the Dublin Stock Exchange.

  • HUF bonds

In 2019 MOL has issued HUF 28.4 billion fixed rate bond in line with the “Bond Funding for Growth Scheme” announced by the National Bank of Hungary. The notes have a 10-year maturity, when issued, pay an annual coupon of 2.00%.

In 2020 MOL has issued HUF 36.6 billion fixed rate bond in line with the “Bond Funding for Growth Scheme” announced by the National Bank of Hungary. The notes have a 10-year maturity, when issued, pay an annual coupon of 1.10%.

In 2021 MOL has issued HUF 35.5 billion fixed rate bond in line with the “Bond Funding for Growth Scheme” announced by the National Bank of Hungary. The notes have a 10-year maturity, when issued, pay an annual coupon of 1.9%.

MOL will comply with its obligation to provide information in Hungarian language while the securities are available for trade.

All programmes are senior, unsecured.





Rating agency Foreign long term Local long term Outlook Latest rating action publishing date
Fitch BBB- BBB- Stable 02 June, 2023
Standard and Poor's BBB- BBB- Stable 25 July, 2023
Scope Ratings BBB- BBB- Positive 14 March 2024



Képernyőfotó 2019-04-08 - 14.16.30-orahyk2xzg-k2izers6dg.png
Képernyőfotó 2019-04-08 - 14.16.30-orahyk2xzg-k2izers6dg.png


Képernyőfotó 2019-04-08 - 14.16.12-4wbh8vs73t.png
Képernyőfotó 2019-04-08 - 14.16.12-4wbh8vs73t.png



Issuer Bond Maturity date Rating S&P Rating Fitch Type
MOL EUR 650 MN 08.10.2027 BBB- BBB- Senior unsecured
MOL HUF 36,600 MN 22.09.2030 BBB- N.A. Senior unsecured
MOL HUF 35,500 MN 12.04.2031 BBB- N.A. Senior unsecured




File Title
Fitch Affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook Stable (30 May, 2024)
FITCH affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook revised to stable from negative (02 June, 2023)
FITCH affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook revised to negative from stable (08 June, 2022)
FITCH affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook stable (18 June, 2020)
FITCH affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook stable (8 November, 2019)
FITCH affirms MOL Hungarian oil and gas company at 'BBB-'; Outlook stable
FITCH affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook stable
FITCH revises MOL’s outlook to stable; Affirms at ’BBB-’
FITCH affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook negative
Update: MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Company Plc
Rating action commentary: Fitch Affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook negative
Non-rating action commentary: Fitch: North Sea Acquisition Neutral; INA More Important for MOL's Credit Profile
Rating action commentary: Fitch Revises MOL's Outlook to Negative; Affirms at 'BBB-'
Update: MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Company Plc 2013


File Title
S&P affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook stable (14 June, 2022)
S&P revises MOL outlook to stabile; affirms MOL at 'BBB-’ (25 March 2020)
S&P revises MOL outlook to positive; affirms MOL at 'BBB-’
S&P affirms MOL at 'BBB-'; Outlook stable
S&P upgrades MOL‘s long-term credit rating to BBB- investment grade with stable outlook
MOL Hungarian Oil And Gas PLC Outlook Revised To Positive From Stable On Improved Credit Metrics; 'BB+' Ratings Affirmed
Standard & Poor’s raised the long-term corporate credit rating of MOL to BB+
MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Outlook Revised To Positive On Strong Operating Performance; 'BB' Rating Affirmed
Summary: MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc.
Research Update: MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Downgraded To 'BB' On Ongoing Uncertainty Over INA Stake; Off Watch; Outlook Stable
Research Update: MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC On Watch Negative Pending Negotiations On Cooperation With The Croatian State
Research Update: MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Outlook Revised To Negative After Similar Rating Action On The Sovereign
Bulletin: MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC 'BB+' Ratings Not Affected By Downgrade Of Hungary

Scope Ratings

File Title
Scope publishes BBB-/Positive issuer rating on Hungarian Oil and Gas Company MOL (14 March, 2024)