Lubricants and Autochemicals

Our high-quality products are available in more than 50 countries around the world. Our partners receive wide range of services, so they can get the most from our products with our 360 degree lubricant solution.

But our biggest advantage goes beyond quality, that is, we are able to combine the high level reliability of a big manufacturer with the flexibility of a small producer. The result being a client-oriented workflow, flexible production, high quality products, reliable logistics background and a full range service portfolio.

Our comprehensive product portfolio meets all lubrication needs.

We offer leading-edge quality products for passenger cars, motorbikes, commercial vehicles, agricultural and industrial machines.

Our portfolio fully meets or exceeds the latest requirements and industry standards and is approved by the leading automotive and machine manufacturing companies.

We boast 100 industrial and nearly 200 automotive approvals and perform strict quality assurance activities, which guarantees the highest level of quality and validates the performance of our products.