
Operating company:
INA d.d.
2P Reserves (2022 YE):
1.8 MMboe
Production (2022):
1.6 mboepd

INA is present, member of MOL Group, on 3 production concessions in the Western Desert of Egypt (North Bahariya, Ras Qattara and West Abu Gharadig) as a non-operator with several partners. In 2022, East Bir El Nus (block WD-08), a new exploration concession in the Western Desert was awarded to INA and Energean, with a 50-50% participating interest split and Energean as the Operator. In the East Damanhur concession, the second exploration well ED-2X was drilled as a gas discovery in 2022.

In 2022 field development activities continued. On North Bahariya concession, total of 9 wells have been drilled, out of which 5 are producers and 4 water injectors, and further 9 well workovers were performed. Regular maintenance activities and implementation of development projects advanced on all concessions.

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