21 Apr 2016

MOL completed EUR 750mn Eurobond pricing

MOL Plc. hereby informs the capital market’s participants that the pricing process related to the issuance of EUR 750,000,000 senior unsecured notes (Eurobond) was closed on 21st April, 2016 with the following terms:

  • amount: EUR 750 mn
  • maturity: 7 years
  • annual coupon: 2.625%
  • yield: 2.75%

The issuance of the notes is subject to the signing and completion of the relevant documentation, which is expected to take place on the week starting with the 25th April.

Mr. József Simola, MOL Group CFO, commented:

“I am absolutely delighted that we are able to announce today a Eurobond issue priced at the most attractive levels with the lowest coupon and yield in our corporate history. This transaction is yet another testament to MOL Group’s financial strength and robust integrated business model. MOL managed to tap debt markets in a moment when the oil & gas industry is facing serious challenges. The overwhelming interest from investors not only allowed us to raise very competitively-priced funding at the high end of our targeted EUR 500-750m range, but also clearly demonstrates the trust and confidence of capital markets in MOL and its operational and financial strength and excellence.”