MOL Group has leading position not just in the field of motor gasolines but diesel fuels as well. The company’s main profile is to manufacture and deliver top quality automotive fuels for its business partners. Group refineries are producing the full range of fuels from LPG through motor gasolines to diesels which were the top sold products among all refined products in 2020.
Diesel production has a long-standing history in the company and thanks to our product development we are continuously improving our fuels to perform in any circumstances especially during severe conditions in wintertime.
We as MOL Group can offer you:
- Main grade diesel B7
- available with Performance Package additive
- Premium diesel B0 or B7
- available with Performance Package additive
Main grade diesel – in harmony with the engine
Diesel engines are dominantly used for utility vehicles, agricultural and other power engines due to their better efficiency and higher specific performance compared to other fuel alternatives. Our top-quality main grade diesel is fit both for the most advanced high-pressure injection systems and traditional diesel engines while they are also fulfilling the most recent and highest quality requirements in all parameters set by the automotive industry and the European Union.
Free from sulphur meets European standards
We produce our main grade gasoil with sulphur content below 10 ppm according to the most recent European norms. Extra low sulphur content protects the environment and extends the engine-life as well as the lifetime of the catalysts.
Bio-blending for sustainable future
In-line with the European Union’s bio and renewable directives for transportation fuels MOL Group is blending biocomponent (FAME) into the main grade diesel up to 7% (depending on national regulation). To fulfil bio-quotas prescribed by the national laws and to meet Group’s 2030 strategic goals to significantly reduce CO2 -emissions and become carbon-neutral by 2050, we are also blending HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oils) as a renewable component into our diesels in a small amount which has very similar properties to gasoil.
Benefits of the Group’s main grade diesels:
- Not just fulfilling but also exceeding EN-590 standard
- Continuously measured and secured by Group’s Quality Control systems (including own and regional high standard 3rd party laboratories)
- Meets environmental requirements with maximum 7% FAME content
- Sulphur free for corrosion and catalyst protection (max 10 ppm)
- High cetane index and performance
- Good cold resistance due to high-quality production standards and carefully selected refinery additives (cold flow improver)
- Compatible with high-performance Group additive package
Premium diesel – full performance even in the coldest winter season
Besides our main grade diesels, customers can find a wide variety of real premium diesel products in Group portfolio. These fuels are produced according to a special fuel component recipe (substantially divergent from conventional diesels) with different production mode used in our refineries. Thanks to this outstanding formulation, winter properties are improved significantly in order to become resilient towards severe winter conditions. MOL’s premium diesels are ideal for modern, high-pressure injection systems and conventional diesel engines alike.
Free from sulphur meets European standards
We produce our main grade gasoil with sulphur content below 10 ppm according to the most recent European norms. Extra low sulphur content protects the environment and extends the engine-life as well as the lifetime of the catalysts.
Exclusive low-bio product
Group offers premium diesels with zero or low bio-content in order to maximize the performance of our top-quality fuels and give the opportunity to our customers to access bio-free products similarly to our premium gasolines.
With superior cold-resistant parameters
Thanks to the precisely engineered recipe and to the carefully selected cold flow improvers our premium diesels are resistant towards severe winter conditions and can work way below -20°C even up to -35°C which is significantly overachieving the EN-590 standard.
Benefits of the Group’s premium diesels:
- Not just fulfilling but also exceeding EN-590 standard
- Continuously measured and secured by Group’s Quality Control systems (including own and regional high standard 3rd party laboratories)
- Available with zero or low FAME-content
- Sulphur free for corrosion and catalyst protection (max 10 ppm)
- High cetane index and performance
- Excellent cold resistance (even up to -35°C) due to different formulation and recipes with carefully selected refinery additives (cold flow improver)
- Compatible with high-performance Group additive package with higher treat-rate

How we can boost fuel performance – Group’s Performance Package treatment
MOL Group is cooperating with international additive producers in order to further optimize our diesels and endow them with extra properties to significantly increase the fuel performance.
Our main grade and premium diesel can be treated with the most up-to-date performance package additives which can prolong the life of the engine with keep-clean and clean-up additive.
The additives in fuel can deliver cleaning effect on engine’s fuel-feed system. With reduced sedimentation on the surface of the suction-valve and in the injector, the perfect amount of fuel gets into the cylinders, the combustion is going to be more efficient so the engine can provide constant performance.
Achieving better combustion inside the chamber not just significantly increases the power, but in the meantime also decreasing the emission of harmful pollutants. With these extra properties, our products reduce the chance of breakdowns and extending the lifetime of the engines as well.
Benefits of the Group’s performance additives:
- Clean-up and keep-clean effect
- Its regular use keeps the entire fuel supply system (from the tank through the injectors to the suction valves) clean, thus the engine can approach its original flexibility and acceleration
- More efficient combustion in the combustion chambers
- Lower consumption due to cleaner engine system
- Excellent driving experience due to the higher cetane index
- Lower friction to prevent power loss
- Steady idle run and lower noise level
- Reduced exhaust and polluting emissions
- Its prolonged use loosens old deposits in the tank and valves, which leads to a longer useful life of the engine and reduced the probability of unforeseen breakdowns (lower maintenance costs)
Do you have any other questions related to our product?
Please do not hesitate to contact us.