21 Oct 2015

MOL Group makes cities and communities green

  • The Green Belt Program is a regional environmental protection initiative of MOL Group since 2005
  • The program aims to contribute to the implementation or reconstruction of community green areas
  • Green Belt currently operates in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Italy, Croatia and the Czech Republic
  • The environmental program has provided more than 10 million Euros support to local communities since its establishment renewing over 2 million square meters of newly green areas

Budapest - 21 October, 2015 - MOL Group launched its first Green Belt Program in Hungary, Romania and Slovakia in 2005. Over the years, the cross-border initiative has become so successful that in 2014 it was extended to Croatia and Italy. Moreover in this year we are proud to announce that we reached six countries by implementing project in Czech Republic.

Green Belt Program is implemented in all countries as a joint project of MOL Group and a selected non-governmental organization partner organization, which delivers local knowledge and expertise in environmental matters. The program aims to contribute to the implementation or reconstruction of community green areas and enhances the common realization of local green areas by the active involvement of local inhabitants and organizations.

“The objective of the Green Belt Program is to support the creation, recovery and care of ecologically valuable areas with the active cooperation of non-profit organizations, municipalities and schools. Over the past ten years, this environmental program has provided at group level support to local communities in more than 10 million Euros, who have planted 210,000 trees, flowers and shrubs in over 2 million square meters of newly green areas“, commented Kelenvölgyi Ágnes, Head of MOL Group Corporate Giving’s department. 

The program comprised co-financing of projects such as afforestation, improvement of green areas, clean-up of the seabed, coastal areas, lakes and rivers, education on ecology and other activities in the field of Sustainable Development. It is important to emphasize that these projects are supported and donated by MOL Group companies, but financial contribution and cooperation with local communities is in order to create higher responsibility towards the project.

Together with impressing results achieved during past 10 years, we are glad to say that Volunteering actions integrated through Green Belt project had an amazing response from the local community and resulted in participation of the non-government organizations, local officials, media and MOL Group volunteers in the actions.

We will continually strive to motivate and to participate in such actions in order to make our environment greener!