26 Feb 2024

Competitiveness is a Precondition for a Successful Green Energy Transition – European Industry Leaders Warn in a Joint Statement

Budapest, February 26, 2024 - Nearly 20 industries’ 73 leaders have handed over a joint statement to Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, following an industrial summit held in Antwerp. The participants agreed that a green energy transition can be efficient and successful only if Europe's competitiveness is also maintained, which requires incentives and a regulatory environment that supports industrial development.

Leaders of key industry sectors, together with trade unions, stood up for the competitiveness of European industry at a leaders European industry summit, representing a total of 7.8 million European workers. The participants summarized their objectives in a joint statement, emphasizing that European industrial policy must be clear and predictable aiming to rebuild trust in the industry.

The Antwerp Declaration outlines 10 specific actions, including the strategic integration of the EU industrial agreement, the rationalization of legislation, and the simplification of the state aid framework. Furthermore, industry leaders call on decision-makers to help European industry maintain its global competitiveness.

The Hungarian Chemical Industry Association (MAVESZ) has actively participated in preparing the Antwerp Declaration and supports its content. “From sustainability and economic development perspectives, it is of primary importance that key industries – including the chemical industry – maintain and further increase their competitiveness. We must do everything to ensure that the leaders of the European Union recognize that leading industrial players should be seen as partners, and not problems, as they are the ones who can significantly advance the cause of the green energy transition with their innovative solutions,” added Csaba Szabó, Director of MAVESZ.

MOL Group also signed the declaration, with Gabriel Szabó, Executive Vice President of Downstream, representing the company in Antwerp.

“MOL Group is committed to becoming a major player in the circular economy of the Central and Eastern European region and to accelerating the green energy transition with its investments. However, this requires a regulatory environment that encourages rather than hinders our competitiveness. This is especially true for a company group like MOL, which, in addition to complying with the EU’s green objectives, plays an important role in guaranteeing the region's energy security. We stand by the joint statement issued with the leading companies of the European industry because we are convinced that the current decline in production and the existing competitive disadvantage can be properly addressed through broad industry and regulatory cooperation,” said Gabriel Szabó, who also pointed out the fear that energy-intensive industries might leave Europe due to the current regulatory environment, high energy prices, and administrative burdens.