25 May 2023

Revolving credit facility increase

With the effective date of 1 June 2023, the total amount of the EUR 575 million revolving credit facility agreement signed on 29 November 2021 by MOL Group Finance Zrt.  as borrower and MOL as guarantor for 5 years (with option for 1+1-year extension) has been increased by EUR 150 million.

MOL Plc. (“MOL”) hereby notifies the capital markets of the following:

With the effective date of 1 June 2023, the total amount of the EUR 575 million revolving credit facility agreement (“Agreement”) signed on 29 November 2021 by MOL Group Finance Zrt.  as borrower and MOL as guarantor for 5 years (with option for 1+1-year extension) has been increased by EUR 150 million. As a result of the increase total facility amount changed to EUR 725 million.

Key conditions of the Agreement, including the initial margin of 60 basis points and the maturity date remain unchanged.