21 Mar 2018

Publication of Annual General Meeting documents

MOL hereby publishes the documents for the Annual General Meeting of MOL Plc. to be held on 12 April 2018:

  • Having considered the outstanding 2017 results, the strength of the balance sheet, future investment plans and potential uncertainties of external market conditions the Board of Directors proposes to continue the previous trend of gradually increasing the base dividend amount by 9% from HUF 78.125 to HUF 85 per share and additionally share the free cash flows of 2017 with shareholders in the form of a special dividend, which is a 50% top-up of HUF 42.5 per share. In line with the above, the Board of Directors proposes a total dividend per share of HUF 127.5 for the financial year ended 31 December 2017. This would correspond to a total dividend payment of HUF 94,278,069,345, taking into account the expected number of treasury shares at the record date.
  • The Company publishes the audited parent company and consolidated financial statements as well as the Management discussion and analysis for the financial year of 2017.
  • The Board of Directors proposes to grant a waiver to the Board of Directors and its members under the Article 12.12 of the Articles of Association.
  • The Supervisory Board of the Company proposes the election of the auditor for the 2018 financial year and determination of its remuneration as well as the material elements of its engagement.
  • The Board of Directors proposes granting the authorization to acquire treasury shares.
  • The Board of Directors proposes re-election of Mr. Zsolt Hernádi as a member of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the Board of Directors proposes election of Mr. Zoltán Áldott and Prof. Dr. András Lánczi as members of the Supervisory Board. The Company’s Works Council nominates Mr. Csaba Szabó employee to the Supervisory Board.

The Company will publish its final financial statements after their approval by the Annual General Meeting.

Downloadable documents:

MOL Plc Annual General Meeting 2018 Proposals

MOL Plc 2017 Consolidated Financial Statement Before AGM

MOL Plc 2017 Parent Company Financial Statement Before AGM


For further information, please contact Investor Relations:
Tel: +36 1 464 1395 
Email: investorrelations@mol.hu