03 Jun 2022

MOL bids for a long-term concession covering municipal solid waste management services in Hungary

MOL submitted a binding offer within the framework of the waste management concession tender issued by the Hungarian State.

MOL Plc. (“MOL”) hereby notifies market participants of the following:

MOL submitted a binding offer within the framework of the waste management concession tender issued by the Hungarian State.

MOL’s contemplated entry into waste management is fully in line with the company’s 2030+ “Shape Tomorrow” strategy seeking investments in new, low-carbon, circular economy business. Furthermore, waste management activities are expected to significantly contribute to MOL’s capital allocation target aiming to achieve at least 50% EU Taxonomy Aligned CAPEX ratio by 2030.

The waste management concession is expected to cover a period of 35 years with a commencement date of 1 July, 2023, whilst the total waste stream falling under the concession system to be established amounts to around 4.5 – 5 million tons per annum. According to the concession agreement the awarded bidder will be responsible for providing municipal waste management services as a single licensor in Hungary covering the whole industry value chain for municipal solid waste.

MOL’s binding offer is in line with the concession tender requirements such as:  

  • a commitment mainly targeting the development of the waste treatment collection system and waste treatment infrastructure with an investment obligation exceeding HUF 50 bn within the initial ten years of the concession agreement.
  • an undertaking to establish new waste-to-energy generation capacities exceeding 100 kTs per year within the initial five years of the concession contract.
  • the acquisition of legal entities such as NHKV, responsible for the coordination of the Hungarian waste management system and NHSZ, the public service provider on the municipal waste management market.


For further information, please contact Investor Relations:

Tel:                   +36 1 464 1395

Email:               investorrelations@mol.hu