12 Mar 2018

Board of Directors’ proposal for dividends

MOL Plc. (“MOL”) hereby notifies the market of the following:

The Board of Directors made the following decision regarding the 2018 Annual General Meeting on its meeting held on 12 March:

Having considered the outstanding 2017 results, the strength of the balance sheet, future investment plans and potential uncertainties of external market conditions the Board of Directors proposes to continue the previous trend of gradually increasing the base dividend amount by 9% to HUF 85 per share and additionally share the free cash flows of 2017 with shareholders in the form of a special dividend which is 50% top-up of HUF 42.5 per share. In line with above the Board of Directors proposes a total dividend per share of HUF 127.5 for the financial year ended 31 December 2017. This would correspond to a total dividend payment of HUF 94,278,069,345, taking into account the expected number of treasury shares at the record date.