30 Jun 2016

MOL Group completes acquisition in Slovenia

MOL Plc. hereby informs the capital market participants that today it completed the acquisition of ENI´s Slovenian Downstream business. MOL and ENI signed a share-purchase agreement last year concerning the takeover of the entire retail network and wholesale business of ENI in Slovenia.

As a result of the acquisition MOL’s retail network grows by 17 service stations and strengthens the company’s position among the top three retail network operators in the country. The deal complements MOL’s current local network of 40 stations and the company establishes its retail presence in Ljubljana. Following the closing of the transaction the company expects to consolidate all service stations in the country under the MOL brand.


For further information, please contact:

Investor Relations: + 36 1 464 1395

facsimile: + 36 1 464 1335