23 Nov 2017

Settlement of the current option agreement and entering into a new option transaction with ING Bank

MOL Plc. (“MOL“) hereby informs the market of the following:

MOL agreed with ING Bank N.V. (“ING”) on the 23rd of November, 2017, that the option rights regarding (as a result of stock split) 38,904,808 number of MOL Series “A” Ordinary shares (“Shares”) under the share option agreement concluded between ING and MOL on 24 November 2016 (“Option Agreement”) are expected to be partially physically and partially cash settled on 28 November, 2017.

The strike price for settlement is EUR 7.27544 per share.

Simultaneously MOL and ING concluded a new share option agreement regarding up to 38,904,808 Shares whereby MOL receives American call options and ING receives European put options with the effective date of 28 November 2017. The maturity of the options is 1 year.

The number of options to be physically settled and Shares to be purchased by MOL under the Option Agreement, and the number of Shares which are subject of the call and put options under the agreement concluded today, as well as the strike price of both the new call and put options, will be defined based on the data available on 24 November 2017 and the capital market’s participants will be informed about those figures and prices.