15 Dec 2017

MOL signs EUR 750 million revolving credit facility agreement

MOL Plc. (“MOL”) hereby notifies the market of the following:

MOL entered into EUR 750 million revolving credit facility agreement (the “Agreement” or the “Facility”) with 13 bank groups on the 15th of December 2017.

The Agreement replaces the EUR 561 million tranche of the original EUR 1 billion 2011 revolving credit facility. The 2011 revolving credit facility had maturities of EUR 110 million in June 2017 and EUR 451 million in June 2018. As it was announced on 29th June 2016 by MOL, the EUR 439 million tranche of the original EUR 1 billion 2011 revolving credit facility matured in June 2016 and it was refinanced previously.

Due to both favourable loan market conditions and the positive market response to the announced financing, MOL increased the amount of the facility to EUR 750 million. Simultaneously, the remaining EUR 451 million commitment under the EUR 1 billion facility is to be cancelled.

The transaction was coordinated by MUFG and UniCredit Bank AG, London branch. Société Générale will act as the Facility Agent.

MOL achieved highly competitive conditions in the Agreement with the initial margin being 80 basis points. The Agreement was arranged as a club-deal with a group of relationship banks of MOL Group. The new Facility has a tenor of 5 years (with two one year extension options) and can be drawn in both Euros and US Dollars.

The new Facility further enhances the financial profile and the liquidity position of MOL Group.