Operational system
This system is based on the assignment contract where the underground and surface facilities, all goods and products of the filling station are in MOL’s ownership and the partner assumes the obligation to operate the filling station in the name, on behalf and in the interest of MOL, in accordance with the provisions specified in the Operating Agreement.
Our contracted partner will sell our products and services from the product choice and offering and for prices as defined by MOL.
Invitation to tender in subject of Fuel Transportation (Regional)
MOL Group announces an invitation to tender in subject of Fuel Transportation in Hungary and in the territory of further Central-Eastern European countries.
The aim of the tender is providing fuel transportation services by Contractor(s) for the member companies of MOL Group in the medium term between refineries or depots in the region and the retail and wholesale partners of MOL Group, domestically and transboundary as well.
Countries involved:
- Hungary
- Slovakia
- Austria
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- Poland
- Romania
- Czech Republic
If your Company has a tank truck-fleet technically compliant, suitable for fuel delivery and your Company would like to participate on this tender, we expect your introduction through the following contact.
Viktor Bakó
Group Retail & Logistics Procurement Leader
Please, send your invitation by 14th April 2014. 16 pm GMT+1.
Applicants will be invited according to the decision of the Evaluation Committee.
MOL Group has the right to modify the invitation to bid before the deadline, or cancel it without further explanation. MOL Group does not have any obligation to Bidders regarding any modification in the tender book or any inconvenience caused by cancellation.
MOL Group has the right not to conclude a contract with any of the Bidders and to qualify the Invitation to Bids – without an obligation to provide reasons - as unsuccessful, or to conclude a contract dividing the task defined in the Invitation to Bids among several Bidders or conclude a contract only for a part of the tasks.