Responsible Procurement

As it has been set out in MOL Group’s 2030+ strategy, our vision is to be a key player in the low carbon circular economy in Central and Eastern Europe. A highly efficient company, providing sustainable materials for the economy, low carbon fuels for mobility and convenient products and services for the people on the move.

In order to support these goals and retain our licence to operate the Responsible Procurement Policy has been launched with clear targets on improving sustainability within and via our supply chain. We are committed to continuously measure and improve Scope 3 emission calculations and actively collaborate with our supply chain actors to achieve 30% reduction of the emissions entailed by our inbound supply chain by 2030 and support MOL Group becoming a net zero CO2 emitter by 2050 on all scopes.

We will rely on our suppliers’ expertise, experience, innovative ideas – and most importantly actions from them, actions with them. Aligned with the Responsible Procurement Policy we also need our partners to actively promote, implement and use all reasonable endeavours to enforce the same principles within their own supply chains, by

  • contributing to MOL Group’s efforts and proactively supporting the achievement of our common goals, continuously seeking and providing new innovative and sustainable solutions that can still satisfy the demand of MOL Group’s in the given scope of products and/or services;
  • sharing transparently the methods, practices and tools for measuring the GHG/CO2 footprint of their operations and supply chain, as well as their goals for decarbonisation;
  • being committed to protect the environment and be consistent in decreasing the environmental footprint of their own operation, by minimizing the use of natural resources, waste and GHG emissions.

In our supply chain we have only one option – directly improving sustainability. There are no workarounds, no offsetting possibilities. Targeted actions are needed to reduce the environmental footprint of production and delivery of goods, performing services by our third-party vendors.



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CBAM Information
CBAM Declaration
Failure Declaration
CBAM Data Provision


In case you need more information, please read the below Responsible Procurement Business Partner Guide and feel free to turn to any of our Procurement representatives: